Morocco, Africa Ryan Neal Morocco, Africa Ryan Neal

Driving in Morocco: an Alternative Perspective

It was with some trepidation that we pulled away from the car hire kiosk at Marrakech airport in our shiny new Kia. We’d done our research and, in doing so, had read countless reports of travellers falling victim to Morocco’s corrupt traffic enforcement officials. One YouTuber recounted being pulled over three times on the same stretch of road and ‘fined’ for what were seemingly imagined traffic offenses. And so, pockets stuffed full of notes to pay off any apparent traffic violations, we set off.

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England, Europe Ryan Neal England, Europe Ryan Neal

Gaping Gill: Potholing in the Yorkshire Dales

Beneath me is 110 metres of stale air and I find myself wondering when the last time the steel cable I’m suspended from was serviced. Around my neck is a metal tag that reads simply ‘136’. If it doesn’t return to the surface to be filed neatly between 135 and 137, a rescue team will be dispatched to retrieve me.

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